
Can Laser Damage Camera Sensor

Sony Officially Warns That Lasers Tin can Impairment its Cameras' Sensors

Sony has published an official warning on its website that states that it is aware that lasers can cause damage to its cameras' epitome sensors. While this information is probably not news to nearly, Sony notably has finally publicly acknowledged the danger.

While there take been stories that report the harm that lasers can cause to camera sensors that date every bit far back as 2010, Sony has called to officially note the trouble on its website just in this past week. Spotted by Paradigm Sensors World and published on July xxx, 2021, Sony answers the question "can the camera image sensor exist damaged past laser?"

Practice not directly expose the Lens to beams such as laser beams. This may cause damage to the paradigm sensor and cause the camera to malfunction.

Note: In either outdoor or indoor surround when there is a laser display, tendency of straight or indirect (laser beam bounce from reflective object) harm to the camera CMOS Sensor is still very high.

At that place has been no shortage over the years of instances where users have reported sensor damage that appeared linked to exposure to a diverseness of lasers. In 2010, a video shows how a Canon 5D Mark Two DSLR responded when laser lights at a concert shined direct on his camera's sensor.

In 2013, a similar situation occurred at another concert, but this time it seriously damaged a $xx,000 Red Ballsy. 2019 was a particularly eventful yr for sensor destruction via light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, as both a cocky-driving car laser and a tattoo laser were the culprits behind ii destroyed sensors. Additionally, Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters were using laser pointers to misfile and destroy surveillance cameras being used against them.

In the first instance, a man attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas says that a car-mounted LIDAR permanently damaged the sensor in his Sony Alpha 7R Mark II camera. At the time, PetaPixel's DL Cade reported that different lidar systems feature unlike designs and lasers, so many or most of them may be completely safe for cameras. It was unfortunate that in this item example, it appeared the laser permanently damaged the camera's sensor.

In the second instance, a video shows a tattoo removal light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation destroying pixels on a Sony Alpha 7S camera sensor.

"Don't tape light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation tattoo removal on… anything," the unlucky photography said at the time. "You tin meet with each pulse the sensor shows new damage. The repair cost was almost as much as a new camera so try to avoid this.

Finally, PetaPixel's Michael Zhang reported that during the protests in Hong Kong in 2019, demonstrators widely used handheld laser pointers in their anti-government demonstrations, and some photographers on the ground reported damaged sensors after their cameras were exposed to them.

And then while there has been over a decade's worth of instances that bear witness lasers can destroy camera sensors, information technology is somewhat notable that a camera visitor has finally published some admission of the effect. Hopefully, this volition help photographers go on their equipment safe.

Image credits: Header photo licensed via Depositphotos.


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