
Can Cameras See Through Tinted Windows

Published on September 28, 2018 by Matt Garnham in Blog Posts on Security Cameras

Will Security Cameras Work Through Windows?

My team and I are regularly asked if our security cameras work through windows or other glass. The most common reasons are:

  1. To monitor an surface area in a covert fashion
  2. Condo or HOA regulations limit security camera installation on the outside of a belongings

At that place are really 2 elements to the answer for this question that demand to be explored independently. They are:

  • A security camera looking through the window during the day
  • A security camera looking through the window at night

During the Twenty-four hours

During the DayThere is no reason that a security camera will not piece of work looking through a window during the day…if you lot are careful!

The optical backdrop of the additional layer of drinking glass may slightly change the image the camera sees. Assuming a normal piece of non-tinted glass, I don't think you would see whatever difference.

If in that location is any difference, you may have a slightly reduced identification distance, but I dubiousness information technology would fifty-fifty be noticeable.

Y'all still need to exist conscientious to ensure ambient life from the room does not get between the camera lens and the window. If you are unable to practice this, y'all volition have the same problem as with IR at night as described below.

At Nighttime

At NightAt night, it is a unlike affair!

The majority of security cameras that are on the marketplace – either that we sell or our competitors do, have on-board infra red illumination.

The fashion IR security cameras see in the dark is as follows:

  • The photographic camera sends out infra ruddy light
  • This IR light then bounces off the subject area
  • The IR lite reflects back into the lens
  • The camera sensor detects this IR light
  • The camera converts this to a black and white image

When a window is positioned between the security cam and the subject area, you volition find the infra red illumination bounces off this window. It then reflects back into the lens of the photographic camera. This results in a distorted paradigm making it nearly impossible to see annihilation at night.

My fantastic, incredible artwork diagram below explains:

Camera through a window or glass at night

Can I Make it Work Through a Window?

Yeah, it is possible to brand a security photographic camera piece of work through drinking glass. First yous demand to disable the infra red illumination on your security camera. Adjacent, you must position the security cam as close to the window as possible. Finally, you need to use something to ensure lite from within the room tin not arrive between the camera and the window.

This will give you the best chance possible of getting a good or normal security photographic camera prototype through the window. At dark or in low light situations, you will not become much of an image. This is because you need to have disabled the infra red illumination. Ane thing you lot tin can do to help this is to use additional security flood lighting positioned outside the window.

If you are unable to stop light from within the room getting in between the security cam and the window, you lot volition end upward with the same result every bit the IR at dark.

When installing the security camera, ensure it is installed on a solid base – I accept seen photos from customers of cameras rigged in all sorts of weird ways. Using line-fishing wire was my favorite! The camera needs a solid and stable base keeping it secure. This stops it moving. If the camera moves, fifty-fifty just a little, information technology can cause the image to exist distorted.

All that being said, whilst information technology is possible, I really wouldn't recommend information technology!

Should I Accept my Security Camera Looking Through a Window?

Unless your usage meets the very specific state of affairs as described above, so NO!

If you actually must have a camera to look through a window, then you need to ensure information technology is as close to the window equally possible and with no infra cherry illumination.

Are There whatsoever Unexpected Downsides?

One slap-up, but often overlooked element of security cameras is their deterrent cistron. This is often more powerful than people think. If yous really exercise need the protection from security cameras, often having a deterrent actually stops incidents happening.

After having installed a security camera system, the best thing that tin happen is no incident ever occurs.

Y'all should consider that installing a security camera looking through a window removes this deterrent factor.

Annihilation I Demand to Look Out For When Installing a Security Photographic camera to Look Through a Window?

Yes – lots!

The chief things to look out for when installing your security camera system looking through a window, in no particular club are:

  1. Apply a security camera with no infra red or one with the infra red illumination disabled
  2. Position the security cam equally close to the window as possible
  3. Install the security photographic camera on a solid mount
  4. Use something, probably a thick and dark material effectually the security cam to stop ambient calorie-free from within the room reflecting dorsum into the lens


If your condo lath or HOA do not allow security cams on the outside of your belongings, information technology can limit your options! You could use discrete external cameras, still most regulations that I am enlightened of limit permanent installation of devices. This ways that if your installation is considered temporary, there shouldn't exist a trouble.

All the equipment that we stock is designed to exist able to exist uninstalled and reinstalled in a new location at some later date. Does that brand it a suitable candidate for a temporary installation? Personally, I remember it does! [this is simply my personal opinion]

If you require a security camera for a specific purpose such equally looking through a window, and you lot accept no other solution, don't worry! Nosotros are able to modify whatsoever camera nosotros sell so the infra blood-red LEDs do not illuminate.

Contact my squad for more than information.

about the author: Matt Garnham
Security Photographic camera good for many years. He is the founder and owner of Orange Security. Started life in the security industry in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Relocated to Southern Florida and Orange Security was formed.


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