
How To Blogs And Studios Make Money



Blogging is fast becoming a way to make money online. It is something that can provide you with a reasonable income, but it isn't always easy, and it's not the key to getting rich quick. Depending on your time commitment, the quality of your content, the interest it generates and the way you promote it, blogging can be a good way to earn a little extra money. If you're really good at it, you can work your way into more substantial earnings.

Here are some ways to make money blogging:

AdSense ads on your blog
Adding Google AdSense to your blog can be an easy way to earn money. Ads relevant to the topic of your blog post are placed alongside it by Google. When visitors click on them and make a purchase, you are paid a small percentage of the total. When your earnings exceed $100, you are sent a check. This is generally a slow way to make money online since your blog has to see a great many visitors to make this method profitable. If you are serious about using your blog to make money through AdSense, research which keywords are popular and write about those topics. You will draw more traffic and the ads on your site will be of interest to visitors.

Affiliate programs
This process works in a similar manner to Google AdSense, but you often receive a higher percentage of each sale when you go through an affiliate program. Amazon and other e-commerce Web sites have affiliate programs that allow you to sell a number of interesting products and services on your blog, from scrapbooking supplies to financial products.

Sell advertising on your blog
If your blog starts getting more traffic, or if you appeal to a desirable niche, you can sell advertising on your blog yourself. You can sell image ads that appear on your sidebar, at the top of your page or in between posts. It is also possible to sell text links, a technique used when an advertiser pays you to link to its Web site using a specific word or phrase. Many bloggers choose to combine selling advertising with affiliate programs and AdSense.

Join a blog network
If you aren't too determined to maintain the rights to your work, you can join a blog network. In this model, you either take over a blog that a network wishes content for, or you suggest a blog idea that the network does not have. You provide the content and direction for the blog, and you are paid for your efforts. Blog networks may pay you a flat rate for your participation, or they may have a system by which you are compensated through revenue sharing from ads.

Pay per post
There are a number of Web sites that allow you to submit your blog (you need to build up your Alexa Rank and your Google PageRank first) and then receive payment for sponsored posts. PayperPost offers the largest variety of paid post opportunities, but you can also make money online with LoudLaunch, Blogitive and Sponsored Reviews.

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How To Blogs And Studios Make Money


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