
nick popovich video game designer

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Nick Popovich

@ NickPopovich


the qualities actors and gamedevs share only continues to grow

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My current crew. Had to use all my gospels to boost high enough to recruit ol Jack. Worth it though 🎃🔥🔥🔥

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Xbox experiences differ form Playstation ones which differ form Nintendo ones and that's awesome. The more we have of that and the more a gamedev can think of something wild and say "oh, there's an audience for that on this platform!" the better. It's how good stuff gets made.


I was around for the launch of Xbox and in the best possible environment to enjoy one (college LAN parties on a projector screen) so it's always going to have a special place in my heart. But most of all I'm just happy it added another source for new types of games to flourish.


Liking SMT V so far but the performance issues are a drag. The really low fov that's likely there to reduce rendering load makes it an eye strain to explore its otherwise really interesting world.


It truly haunts me to know that you can obtain unimaginable wealth in this world, the resources to make your own reality around you and indulge in countless pleasures, but you just still just want to spend time trollin on Twitter


weirdo shopkeeper npcs are 1000% my jam

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Ended up naming him after one of the great video game demons

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Alright, time to spend the night with this new game, can't wait [PLEASE ENTER A NAME] Well shit.


i want to force every gamer to watch this clip of the halo 1 devs talking about contrived story elements


"comedians": comedy is dead, you can't say anything offensive anymore me: i have been laughing at this image for 10 years

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Unarmed Black teen murdered by a Cop •NYT: Well, he was no angel Armed white teen murders two people & injured a third •NYT: He was on a mission & he loved cops! And that's how media enables and normalizes white supremacy.

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Persona is the person whose dorm is plastered in Eva posters and eats pocky who let you borrow their manga while SMT is the same person but they are majoring in philosophy and sometimes trap you in convo while you're bumming the next volume of Berserk off them. Both are good.


This is spot on you weirdos. Stop gettin mad at video games

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Cable is out but no worries cause I design complex entertainment for a living. Time to enter my mind palace… … … ….. When was the last time I saw a bird up close?


Entire Bay Area is down but your dusty PS2 and that copy of the Matrix on dvd you watched in college has got you beybey



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nick popovich video game designer


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